lala @ Saturday, December 31, 2005
heyhey! im now a tuition teacher!! haha. starting to give tuition on next next wed, to this girl called fiona. teaching sec 3 maths. a math i think. shit la. must go brush up on those sec 3 stuff.. suddenli thought abt matrices.. cham! forgot everything abt matrices. and im so damn scared la! hhaa. all thanks to shuping again. shes e one who told me abt e assignment.. i think now have to go find other part time jobs to fill up my time. cant be doing full time since im giving tuition. hope they're nice ppl. i rmb when i was young, i used to hate my private tutor. shes such a nice person, but i actuallie fell asleep during her lesson and she even had to wake me up. dat was during pri sch, and i still rmb wad e lesson was abt, cos i was so scared she'll tell my mum. it was a speed-time-distance math question. my weakest topic! haha. and i hope this fiona person wun ask me vv vv hard questions.. later i dunno how to ans, so malu. yikes.
lala @ Friday, December 30, 2005
ive got 4i class gathering today at marina bay!! was so fun! even though only 14 ppl turned up. out of 31, or is it 32. only shuping rmb everyone's register no. she even listed down our names according to reg no!! who in e right mind will still rmb our nos?? haha, i think she'll be a great secretary, (shes my personal sec wad..).. anyways, saw a lot of ppl today, like yali and gang, cuihui and gang, pinyue came too.. dne some working/ overseas so couldn make it. we are still like ourselves.. childish and rowdy. to e extent that ppl sitting at e next table had to 'shshsh' us! and i heard some gossip too, juicy news! we agreed to have another 'meeting' during cny to visit our teachers, r goh, gab tan and yah hui. ooh, like my frens. haha. ive got to arrange that.. den theres word abt gg msia tog in feb, ard there, before we get back our as. dats still not cfm.. though i think my mum's not gg to be vv happie abt it, unless i pay it myself.. ;)
a few more min and it'll be new yr's eve! dunno gg where also tmr.. haish.
lala @ Thursday, December 29, 2005
this song is nicey!! berrie nice! i teared when i first heard it, over e radio late one nite. maybe cos i was feeling down that nite.. wonder who sang it..
haha. gg for interview later, for admin job. wonder how its like. like nv do admin work before leh.. haha. wish me luck! =)
lala @ Wednesday, December 28, 2005
today i watched narnia with my sis! ooh lala! its a great show!! at least for me, whos got e mentality of a 12-yr-old.. haha. me and my sis had so much fun discussing abt e movie, even though i thought shes a bit noisy. never mind that. haha. she kept asking me why this happened, why that happened, wads gg to happen next.. like how i noe! haha. dats her. and i like e 2 beavers e most! theyre e cutest creatures on earth! i mean e cartoonic form..
so e story's abt 4 kids who stumbled across a magical wardrobe which leads to narnia, a place covered in snow for 100 yrs alr.. its ruler is e evil white witch. shes super tall mind yoo, in real person. looks so overpowering in e movie, partly cos of her height. but i think she reallie looks like an evil witch. cold eyes, insidious smile and everything.. there has been a prophecy that 2 sons of adam and 2 daughters of eve, together wif a talking lion called aslan will defeat the white witch and restore peace to narnia. so once e white witch discovers e presence of humans on her land, she befriends one of e boys, edmund, and tricks him into bringing e rest of his siblings to her castle. so that she can kill them and prevent the prophecy from becoming reality. but luckily for e kids, the BEAVERS came to help! haha. den they were brought to meet aslan who, or which, is gathering an army to fight against e witch. oh! theres a part where aslan sacrificed himself to save edmund cos e witch threatened to kill him. i thought he died, and almost cried. i stressed on e word, almost ok. haha. smhow e lion revived cos e dark magic spell was broken.. lame. haha. so wif e help of e lion, e kids managed to defeat e witch who raged a war wif them. she had overwhelming numbers, much more than aslan's army. but they still won in e end.. details i shan go into them. but its superb!! haha. maybe guys wun find it enticing, maybe even childish. but I LIKE IT! haha.
lala @ Tuesday, December 27, 2005
shopping for e next few days!! how exciting! now theres post xmas sale so it should be quite fun.. perlini's on 30% off islandwide until e end of this month i think.. isetan having private sale? can get coupons fr my aunt.. den robinsons having sale fr tmr to i dunno when, probably end of this month too.. hmm, wad else.. haha. i should better go shop for clothes for new yr!
and ive a 4I gathering comin up soon too! haha. havent seen them in a while, some for 2 yrs alr. i jus msged almost all of them to see whether theyre alive.. haha, and shun bian update e contact list. hmm.. cant wait to see them. =D
lala @ Sunday, December 25, 2005
this yr's xmas turned out to be a disaster. fine at first, but soured towards e end. haha. one of e worst ive ever gone thru.
i ended up taking a stroll rd my estate at ard 1030pm.. woo. time for some personal space. haha.
all my plans were destroyed, though unintentionally, but still..
and e worst thing, i dunno how to continue fr here.
good luck to me.
lala @ Sunday, December 18, 2005
ookies! im back fr hk alr! it was a fun-ny and exciting trip! too bad for those who didn join us! haha, especially referring to ppl like feng quan and ah hock! dun worry fq, we didn forget ur bday pressie, happie belated bdae to yoo!
hk is reallie all abt shopping and eating.. we spent abt 3 days or so, shopping ard miao jie (temple street), nu ren jie (lady's street?), hua yuan jie (garden street), and sogo at causeway bay. alot of places to shop, but i didn buy alot of things. still had abt 200 hk dollars left in e end.
we tried diff kinds of hk food, like yumcha in e morning at restaurants, their typical 'hawker food' along e streets, and famous dishes in cha can ting.. we even had brazilian buffet! haha. eat until my stomach's bloated alr! =)
we also tried diff types of transport, such as e normal double deck bus (like e ones in sg), e xiao ba (mini bus dat yoo alwaes see in hk drama serials), e taxi, e most commonly used MRT rides, e railway train to shen zhen, e ferry to ocean park, and even e tram up to e peak! ooh la la! ivy saed we've tried upon all kinds of transport le in jus 5 days! haha. well of cos taking these rides cost alot of money la! everyone of us spent abt 150-200 hk dollars jus by taking buses and mrt and blah blah.. sorrie, its MTR not MRT. hk's transport sys is so cool. it works by e octopus card, smth like our ez-link card. but it functions so much more than our ez-link. u use it for all kinds of transport sys, like railway trains, MTR, buses, even buying stuff at 7 eleven and whereva.. soo convenient. sg is jus copy-catting them. haha.
we didn had to rush these 5 days, except when were shopping... haha. e activities planned and places we went fitted jus perfectly. all thanks to our wonderful tour guide-- ivy!!! haha.
1st day we went shopping at nu ren jie and hua yuan jie, cos we spent some time checking into e hotel.. at night we went to see lightings at e xing guang da dao (star avenue, i think), and took quite alot of pics there.
2nd day we planned to go ocean park, but jinhan fell sick so we postponed e ocean park trip to e next day. oh! guess why he fell sick? cos he drank tap water! haha. tsktsk. so instead of gg ocean park, we went shen zhen. hais. it was a bit of a disappointment cos we thought there were alot of things to shop for, but e way e salesppl 'pushed' us to buy their products totally turned us off.. and e clothes there were for winter, rol had quite high expectations for e stuff at shen zhen, so in e end he onli bought a pair of jeans. ahha. things were better for me. i got a pair of shoes and some cross stitch stuff. some of them like via, ron, jinhan, wx and lita went to have spa.. they saed it was vv good and cheap. haha. should go try e next time, if i ever go shen zhen again.. most probably not la. aha.
3rd day we proceeded to ocean park as planned. e rides are much more fun than e ones in escape. haha. vv thrilling, esp mine train! haha. i didn have e guts to try e vertical drop and roller coaster though. ahah lousy me. rol won for me a crab soft toy which i like alot.. thanks dear. haha.
4th day we travelled up to e peak. it was a vv tiring experience, cos while were walking along some trail, some idiot decided to change course to walk up a dubious flight of stairs, leading to we-dunno-where.. dat was where e torture began. haha. for me and sylvia la. e rest happily climbed up e stairs all e way, leaving me and via trailing behind. rol helped me carry my bag and waited for us cos he saw how exhausted we were. ahah. but i told him to go on first. which he reallie did! no one came for us aft they reached e peak. we onli heard ivy calling for us and coming down to fetch us. stupid rol and ron! haha. tiring but fun la! aft e peak adventure, we carried on wif our shopping spree to all e jies again. ahha. havent shopped finish ma. guys found quite some stuff at miao jie, clothes esp, like quiksilver and billabong shirts. den we gave ivy a treat (e brazilian buffet) to thank her for being such a wonderful guide. as for e last day, we slept until vv late la. checked out at 10am den left for causeway bay. rol had wanted to go see some protesters against e WTO talks, but didn manage to see. we onli saw alot of riot police gearing up for possible violence. sogo situated in causebay bay and near wan chai i think, was vv well guarded. news over e past few days were all on e WTO talks and e progress of violence. rol was so interested! haha.
we parted wif ivy at sogo then, cos shes having dinner wif her family at hk island, where sogo is located at. makes no sense for her to travel back to kowloon wif us and to hk island again. i was so upset, i nearly cried. all 5 daes together came to an end jus lydat. we took a pic outside e MTR station, den she left. vv soon, we flew back to sg le.
e trip wouldn have been so successful and smooth if ivy weren ard.. she helped us get our octopus cards ready, brought us ard to sightsee, told us wad buses to take, helped us haggle and even ordered our food! like our maid lydat. ahha. no offence! =)
thanks so much sister! im vv sure all e rest felt e same way too! see ya in sg soon!
heres some pics i took in hk:

at changi airport wif rol.

me and ivy at e star avenue.

merry xmas!! aww, so sweet!

e chiobus! eh, i suggested that leg kicking thingy.. nice hor. hehe.

in e hk bus. nicer than our SBS buses ne!

grp photo at ocean park.

e peak tram coming down fr e peak.. duh. =p

another grp pic, w/o swee..

posing on e peak which was so hard to climb!

huggle snuggle!

we didn see WTO protesters, but saw some falungong supporters. yucks.
lala @ Sunday, December 11, 2005
ookies, im back fr thailand! ooh lala! haha e trip was quite fun, its e standard kind of trip.. where u go visit temples, factories, hot spring.. actuallie i dun reallie rmb.. haha. i onli vividly rmb e visit to mae hong son (i took an internal flight there) and i saw e long neck ppl. so poor thing. their necks are reallie long, not becos their necks grow longer, but cos e heavy weight of e rings depressed e shoulder bones to make e necks seem longer. and e max weight of e rings is 6kg. can u imagine carrying 6kg on e ur neck everyday of ur life until u die?? no wonder they get long necks. kids as young as 5 yrs old will have to have those rings wound ard their necks. and e no of rings increase every year. they can onli take out e rings once a year (where they increase e no).. e necks remain intact surprisingly, but fragile i think. not onli do they have rings ard their necks, they also have them ard their wrists and legs (small ones compared to e neck ones la)..
besides e long neck, there are a few wif super big ear holes, and e super big i mean is extremely huge! its like 5cm in diameter la! not exaggerating k. can put e big ring thru.. when they took out e ring to show us e ear hole, i was so shocked. to e extent that i felt disgusted. i think u can either choose to enlarge ur ear holes, so to speak, or to put rings ard ur neck, cos i dun see any girl having both 'treatments'. and i emphasize on girls onli. e guys there look normal, why is it that its alwaes e girls who have to suffer..
i was so traumatised aft e visit, its e onli thing dat kept revolving in my mind.. alamak.
haha. i fell sick on e last day of e trip, terrible stomach upset, i dunno why also. hais. now have to get ready for hk trip. so rush! leaving on e 13th. dats like e day aft tmr.. haa.
lala @ Monday, December 05, 2005
im gg thailand tmr!! but i havent packed anything yet! haha. first time im leaving tmr, but im not anxious at all.. not even e luggage is out yet.. haha. my cousin called to ask me whether i bringing swimsuit, apparently, were gg to some hotspring.. but e problem is i dun even noe were gg there! and a whole load of other places.. haha. i better take a good look at e itinerary later. okokies. ill miss sg and everybody here!! aft i come back, itll be hongkong! im so looking fwd to that! =D
lala @ Saturday, December 03, 2005
prom was quite fun, had a great time wif my class, taking pictures, doing make up and styling e hair.. although e aftermath of removing e makeup was tedious and torturous.. haha. but e food is most pathetic, we spent $75 for 5 dishes, which include mushroom soup (which i dun drink), coffee/tea, smoked fish (still not bad, but a bit small), some weird cake with butter i think (puke!), and another one which i cant rmb.. its jus not worth it at all. and we spent another $15 for lucky draw prizes, (i didn win any too..) haish. lucky weixian won an ipod nano.. and hes giving it to his sis! wad a great brother! haha. swee won smth too, but he didn like it at all, its a water cooler if im not wrong. haha.
oh and jinyuan was crowned prom queen! we all voted for her, of cos shes fr our class wad!! i thought kim will win though..
e dinner ended at ard 11 plus to 12am.. den fq they all wanted to go indochine, so in e end me and rol went too. i didn wanna go at first cos got no money and i thought it would be kinda crowded wif all e vj ppl again. unexpectedly, xijie joined us too! haha. dancing was cool, but cos i didn bring a set of clothes to change, i had to dance in my gown.. haha. totally out of place i noe, but no choice la. ;)